Does Alcohol Cause Wrinkles On The Face And Dry Skin?


Wrinkles On The Face And Dry Skin Caused by Alcohol

Does Alcohol Cause Wrinkles. There are lots of speculations that provoke the early development of skin ageing signs and symptoms. It may be surprising to you that drinking alcoholic beverages can give you wrinkles and dryness of the skin. There are scientific bases to support the claim.

Consequences of Alcohol Consumption That Can Cause Wrinkles

Hormonal Imbalance

Alcohol is toxic to the liver, one of the largest organs in the body. The liver is involved in many bodily functions, one of which is the elimination of excess hormones. When the liver is damaged, therefore, it sets off an imbalance in the levels of hormones. Hormonal imbalance can manifest in a range of symptoms, including dry skin, and when the skin is dry it becomes less elastic. This means to say that when the muscles of the face contract, they do not readily return to their normal position, forming lines. Over time, the lines become deeper and develop into wrinkles.

Capillary Leakage

Alcohol consumption also weakens the capillaries, causing them to leak in many instances. With capillary leakage, water tends to pool around the area, the reason why your under-eye area sags and darkens.

Poor Dietary Habits

Too much alcohol consumption and wise food choices never go together. People who consume alcoholic beverages frequently and in large amounts have poor dietary habits as well. As everybody knows by now, a diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, can delay the development of the signs of skin ageing (and in cases where skin ageing has begun, reverse it). And where do you obtain these antioxidants, vitamins and minerals? Why, from vegetables and fruits, of course!

But people who drink alcohol are very likely to have different food preferences. They are very well likely to turn on to comfort foods that are usually high on salt, high on cholesterol, and have very little nutritional value, if at all. These foods not only weaken the immune system but are also seen to impede proper blood circulation which is very important in keeping skin cells healthy.


Another consequence of drinking too much alcohol is dehydration due to frequent urination, and one manifestation of dehydration is dryness of the skin.

If you look at all these, you will think that drinking alcohol is bad. But it is not necessarily evil for as long as it is kept to a minimum. Is not it that experts even recommend drinking red wine? Interestingly, red wine has anti-ageing properties and heart benefits. But of course, you can not enjoy these benefits if you drink more than what is recommended.

If you are worried about skin ageing, taking steps can make you look and feel younger longer. Here are some tips to preserve your youthful glow and keep the lines off your face:

Does Alcohol Cause Wrinkles

    1. If you can not avoid alcohol, choose red wine which contains antioxidants, and make sure to drink no more than half a glass.
  1. Avoid smoking. Smoking accelerates the ageing process by leaps. It poisons your body and chokes your skin cells, depriving them of essential nutrients.
  2. Eat right. Choose foods that are especially high in antioxidants and essential fatty acids.
  3. Take vitamin supplements. Vitamins A, C, and E all have skin-nourishing properties.
  4. Exercise. Get your blood circulating properly to help in the removal of toxins.
  5. Apply sun protection cream half an hour before going out. Wear a wide-brimmed hat and protect your eyes with sunglasses that have the ability to block the harmful rays of the sun.
  6. Moisturize day and night with an organic-based moisturizing cream.
  7. Avoid chemical-based cosmetics. Such contain preservatives and synthetic ingredients that may even accelerate ageing.
  8. Drink water – lots of it. Keep yourself from getting dehydrated.
  9. Make time to relax. Stress can make you look old in seconds.


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